Retreat Weekend

Photo: Anthony Taranto

Held on the weekend nearest to the actual date of the British Invasion of New Jersey and the beginning of the Continental Army’s strategic “Retreat to Victory” in 1776, this annual re-enactment event at Fort Lee Historic Park features music, cooking, artillery demonstrations, and more.

248th Commemoration
Sat. & Sun., Nov. 23 – 24, 2024:

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Metered Parking

9 AM

Camp Open to the Public

10 AM

Visitor Center Open to the Public

11:30 AM

Parade to Monument Park

1:30 PM

Music & Infantry Demonstrations

2 PM

Artillery Demonstration

3 – 3:45 PM

Tactical of the Blockhouse

5 PM

Site Closed

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Metered Parking

Artillery demonstration at 2 PM (weather permitting)